


With the WOKO bundle lifting magnet, you are able to lift and transport steel bars, profiles and round bundles. Single pieces or several bundles can be picked up simultaneously.

The magnet housing consists of a robust welded construction with double straps. When using two or multiple magnets, the magnets are attached to fixed, short or telescopic beams.

Magnets with moveable lifting gears, e.g. attached to a beam, adapt itself to the bend of the load.


Available Options

Pictures of different options

Bunde-Magnet     Bunde-Magnete 
Bunde-Magnete   Bunde-Magnet
    Fix beam for bundles
Bunde-Magnet   Bund-Magnet
    Telescopic beam with chains to lift profile bundles up to 16 mts long
Bund-Magnet   Bunde-Magnet
Telescopic beam with rotatable magnets to lift profile bundles   Telescopic beam to lift bundles
Bund-Magnet   Bunde-Magnet
Crane with two wires and rotatable crane troley to lift bundles   Transport of round billets bundle


Technical Datasheets

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